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Århus d. 5. oktober 1999

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Fra har jeg modtaget følgende, som jeg nok synes er
en tanke værd:


The Mishnah says: "Whenever a human life is endangered, 
the laws of the Sabbath are suspended."

The more eagerly someone goes about saving a life, the 
more worthy he is of praise. . . .

If a person sees a child fall into the sea on the Sabbath, 
he may spread a net and rescue the child--the sooner the 
better--and he need not get permission from a court of 
law, even though in spreading the net he may also catch 
fish [which is forbidden on the Sabbath].

If he sees a child fall into a pit, he may break through 
the earth on one side and step down to pull the child 
up--the sooner the better--and he need not get permission 
from a court of law, even though in the process of 
rescuing the child he may be building stairs.

And if he sees a door shut on a room in which an infant is 
alone, he may break down the door to get the baby out--the 
sooner the better--and he need not get permission from a 
court of law, even though by breaking down the door he may 
knock off chips that can be used for firewood.

    -- Babylonian Talmud,
       tractate Yoma, page 84b


Venlig hilsen,

Troels Hansen

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